Have you ever experienced that sweet sense of flow, when you practically watch yourself perform with ease?
Seamless play in athletic competition, words flowing out of your pen, melodies and masterpieces being born... saying just the right thing to someone you love- these are all commonplace while in The Zone.
The practice of meditation can be seen as a means to enhance and increase this mode of being on a daily basis, until your whole life becomes effortlessly full and creative.
Whether you display your art at the field, court, kitchen, salon, studio, or theater, you can plant the seeds to cultivate deeper and more numerous flow experiences through a regular meditation practice.
I know you can Google "meditation" and follow your heart and mind to a technique that is right for you.
IMHO: I feel that meditations involving breathing are most natural; Mantra meditations are reliable and very easy but can leave me feeling a bit wired and sometimes agitated if used at the wrong time. I've never tried concentration techniques because I'm not drawn to them at all...but many people find them very effective! I feel it's best for each person to experiment with different practices and develop an arsenal of restorative tools for common needs and circumstances in their lives.
In closing, one of my favorite forms of meditation is MOVING! For the longest time, I could only reach that space beyond place and time through walking. Walking, swimming, running, boxing, dancing, yoga, tennis, rowing, rock-climbing, etc. are similar to breathing because they are rhythmic in nature. They provide a great tempo for self-recalibration, and release of stress in the muscular and nervous systems.
The bottom line is, ANYTHING can be turned into a meditation.
If you're doing something with INtention and Attention, turn it into an opportunity to reset through rhythm, repetition, openness and receptivity :D