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Writer's pictureEmily Patsouras

Time is Art

Updated: Dec 23, 2019

The writer Jose Argulles once said, "Time is art, not money." He believed that if humans returned to a natural sense of time- based on the cycles of the earth, moon and planets- that they would move away from their role as consumers and begin to produce things of meaning, worth and inspiration.

With over 1.7 million species in the modern world, we are the only one that lives by an artificial means of time. The Gregorian calendar provides 12 months in the year, even though we've flourished living by the 13 constant lunar cycles and 4 seasons annually.

Ayurveda relies on 4 major cycles to give structure to the ritual of wellness and vitality. Dinacharya is the ideal daily routine, based on the rotation of the earth each day. We eat our largest meal in the middle of the day, put ourselves to sleep before 10 p.m. and provide time for self-reflection in the morning and afternoon. These activities are in harmony with the apparent movement of the sun across the sky each day.

Ritucharya is the observance of seasonal trends, based on the movement of the earth around the sun. The main practices are to cleanse at the change of each season and eat a diet in accordance with the season.

Chandracharya is living in tune with the movement of the moon around the earth each 28.5 days. I may have made up this "Sanskrit" word, but it makes sense to me because there are countless iterations of lunar influence throughout history and geography. If the position of the moon is powerful enough to control the tides, and we are 3/4 water, we should surely be affected by the relationship between the earth and moon. Both women and men can gain great empowerment by observing and amplifying their natural lunar cycle.

Jyotish is the practice of living in accordance with the planetary influences present throughout one's life and decided at the moment of birth.

Discipline is developed through daily, monthly, seasonal, and life-cycle routines. Discipline is necessary to achieve your highest potential. Become a disciple of your highest Self.

DINACHARYA - Ideal Daily Routine

RITUCHARYA - Seasonal cleansing and acting in accordance with time of year

CHANDRACHARYA - Living in tune with the ebb and flow of the lunar cycle

DHARMA - Living your truth

A movie with the same title can be found on Prime Video.


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